We are recruiting – Studio Engineers -Full and Part time

The Centre for the Analysis of Motion, Entertainment Research and Applications (CAMERA) has a world-class, production standard motion-capture studio, including a range of full body and facial motion capture systems capture systems, multi-camera 4K arrays and photogrammetry facilities.
We are seeking highly skilled individuals to lead the technical management of motion capture activity at our studios, and currently have the following vacancies:
Studio Engineer
- Part-time (14.67 hours) fixed-term until 31/03/2023
- Full-time (36.5 hours) fixed-term until 30/06/2023
You will be expected to:
- Provide technological leadership to our studio facilities, scoping and conducting new research/testing depending on client needs.
- Lead on technical delivery of business assists that utilise our facilities.
- Lead the maintenance and running of the motion capture facilities, on business assist and research based facial and body motion capture shoots.
- Organise and oversee delivery of motion capture data for businesses we support and new research projects.
- Organise and deliver training materials related to motion capture through workshops.
- Organise and deliver processing of motion capture data for businesses we support.
- Assist with the organisation and setup required for delivery of motion capture workshops of various types to industry.
Closing Date 9th May 2022.
For an informal chat please contact Eva Martino: Creative Studio Producer: [email protected]