Bild Studio Awarded Tender to Implement VP Stage at CAMERA, University of Bath 

CAMERA Bild Studio Awarded Tender to Implement VP Stage at CAMERA, University of Bath 

We’re pleased to announce that after a thorough tender process, Bild has been awarded the contract to implement The CAMERA virtual production stage at the University of Bath Campus, in the new Studio at the Edge building. Bild, pioneers in building next generation visual experiences.  

The Virtual Production stage is funded by MyWorld,  a creative technology programme in the UK’s West of England region, funded by £30 million from UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Strength in Places Fund (SIPF).

MyWorld is built on the production, technology and research strengths of the West of England region to create a globally unique proposition for creative technology research and innovation.

Bild Studios blend technology and creative production, specialising in the realisation of video installations for live experiences, virtual production for film & broadcast and permanent media installations. Using cutting-edge media technologies, combined with visual design and production management, their work spans the globe. 

The VP stage will create huge opportunities for researchers and the West of England creative industries community.  

The virtual production stage will be configurable, and it will complement the other three state of art stages, optical motion capture, volumetric capture, and body and face scanning. In addition to complimentary pre and post-production pipelines for extended reality productions.   

This brand new 12m by 3m LED wall will allow us to develop the next generation of capture and editing tools for media production. After initial success with projects such as ILM’s work on the Mandalorian, there is an increasing demand for virtual production. Access to a state-of-the-art background wall plus movable front lighting walls and ceiling panels will let us work on the next generation of production and visual effects pipelines.  

At CAMERA we are particularly interested in the generation of the highest quality capture, e.g. recreation of lightfields for lighting accuracy, and to provide the most intuitive creative control for the director, actors and crew. 

To find out more about the new Virtual Stage, and other facilities available through CAMERA, please Contact our Innovation and commercial services Lead Eva Martino [email protected]  

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