New video technologies to support health and wellbeing

As part of the University of Bath’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations the The Assisted Living Action Network (ALAN) held their annual event on Wednesday 14 September 2016 at The Edge Arts Centre.
The event focused on the application of vision and imaging systems to support health and wellbeing; with a wide range of guest speakers including Sanja Dogramadzi, University of West of England – Imaging systems for medical robotics; Majid Mirmehdi, University of Bristol – The Sphere Project – A Computer Vision Perspective; Michael Proulx, University of Bath – Auditory scene analysis and sonified visual images; Nigel Harris, Department of Health and Director of Designability; Darren Cosker, University of Bath, CAMERA; and Alex Mihialidis, University of Toronto – Seeing and Understanding: The application of computer vision in health and rehab technologies.
Attendees also had a special opportunity to explore the CAMERA Research Facility in the Department of Computer Science.
The Assisted Living Action Network holds regular networking seminars to bring together business, healthcare professionals, service user groups and academic researchers to discuss the key issues and areas of unmet need. Our aim is to build up and facilitate new collaborations, to promote knowledge transfer and the uptake of research and create commercial opportunities for products or services. Find out more on the Designability website.