Investigating Skills Training in Virtual Environments


Centre for Digital Entertainment research engineer, Isabel Fitton, has been working with the CAMERA team as part of her research into virtual reality learning environments and methods of optimizing learning outcomes in VR. Two dancers visited the CAMERA studio to motion capture Hip-Hop dance moves which will be used in a training simulation aimed to improve peoples’ dance skill.

” I’m primarily working on research into human perceptual experience within VR. This area of research particularly excites me due to the relatively unexplored potential that virtual reality has for educating people in schools and the workplace.

Project Description: VR promises to support people in learning new skills, by immersing learners in virtual environments where they can practice the skills and receive feedback on their progress. In this project we will investigate how VR can help learners acquire hard skills. We will design VR learning simulations and new approaches to support learners and test these simulations to determine whether skills learned in VR transfer to the real world. We will also compare virtual training simulations to more traditional learning aids such as instructional videos, with the aim of optimising Learning in Virtual Environments. 

Find out more about Isabel’s work and read her recently published article Immersive virtual environments and embodied agents for e-learning applications here.

Isabel’s EngD project is funded by EPSRC and her industrial research partner PwC.

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