WireDraw: 3D Wire Sculpturing Guided with Mixed Reality

With many thanks to CAMERA team member Dr Yongliang Yang for giving us this insight into the paper published at Chi 2017.
The availability of commodity 3D extruder pen allows direct drawing of 3D wire sculptures for novice users. However, the lack of spatial and structural cues among individual pen strokes makes the 3D drawing process challenging, which often leads to highly distorted and even incomplete wire sculptures. We present a mixed reality system, called ‘WireDraw’, to immersively guide the 3D drawing for easy wire sculpturing. The system design is based on novel 3D drawing principles and the subsequent optimization, making the stroke sequence of the wire model drawable and easy to draw. On-the-fly edits on unsatisfactory strokes are also allowed for creative design. Our system has great potential on many novel applications for amateurs and novices, such as spatial intelligence development, fast prototype design exploration, and stylistic art creation.
The full paper can be found here https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3025792
Ya-Ting Yue, Xiaolong Zhang, Yongliang Yang, Gang Ren, Yi-King Choi, and Wenping Wang. 2017. WireDraw: 3D Wire Sculpturing Guided with Mixed Reality. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3693-3704. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025792