Children and adults alike had fun interacting with our demos at the family friendly South West Futures Festival on Brunel’s SS Great Britain at the end of September.
DE-Nexus, the Digital Economy Next Stage Symposium, 10-11 June 2024 Early June saw members of the CAMERA team attending an in-person symposium to showcase our research alongside the other five EPSRC funded Next Stage Digital Economy Centres. The event was an opportunity for us to showcase our work across an...
Day One of Bath Digital Festival was a brilliant way to kick off (pun intended) what is warming up to be a bumper summer of sports (science). From rugby to sprinting, tennis and badminton, and skeleton bobsledding, festival goers were able to interact with our research and the technology we’re developing. They experienced first-hand how we’re working with athletes to quantify and enhance performance and make sports safer for all.
This month we are taking a closer look at PhD researcher Yi Wan and her work exploring biofeedback gait retraining methods to help the knee osteoarthritis population to manage their knees by reducing knee loading and knee joint pain. “As the way people walk during daily activities can have a...
We are very exited that CAMERA Co-Investigator Steffi Colyer and CAMERA Co-Director Eamonn O’Neill will be heading up a brand new Bath Beacon with the Department for Health’s Keith Stokes. A second wave of Bath Beacons has been announced supporting further multidisciplinary collaborative networks which will address the UKRI strategic themes outlined...
This year’s International Society of Biomechanics in Sport conference took place from 12th to 16th July in Milwaukee, USA. CAMERA Co-Investigator Steffi Colyer and CAMERA PhD researcher Julie Emmerson headed west to present their research at this prestigious annual conference. Steffi, who works in collaboration with UK Sport and British...
New research by Dr Pooya Soltani from CAMERA has used motion capture technology to assess the accuracy of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technologies in football. The study suggests that VAR is useful for preventing obvious mistakes but is currently not precise enough to give accurate judgements every time. VAR was...
This week CAMERA studio technician Pooya Soltani presented his research at the 13th International Congress on Sports Science (Physical Activity and Modern Era). The aim of the congress is to bring together academic and administrative members of the world of sports science and to exchange the latest fundamental, applied and...
While many of us were watching the action at the Winter Olympics in Beijing, CAMERA Research Associate Laurie Needham and CAMERA PhD student Mike Muckelt (Uni of Bath/BBSA funded) headed off to attend a BBSA (British Bobsleigh and Skeleton Association) training camp in Sigulda, Latvia. The facility at Sigulda has...
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