First Name *
Last Name *
Your business must have an operations address in the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership area (Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire)
Your business must have an operations address in the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership area (Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire)
When did your company start trading? *
For example if you have two part time workers one working 4 days (0.8fte) and the other 3 (0.6fte) you would put 1.4fte
If you are pre-revenue or not yet trading please put zero.
Is your business autonomous? *
A business is autonomous if it is totally independent and is not a partner with or linked to another enterprise
For a definition of ‘product and process innovation’ please see
How did you hear about the programme? *
Undertaking in difficulty *
Please confirm that your business is not a business ‘in difficulty’ as defined at 2.1 of the Community Guidelines and State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty (2004/C22/02) at the date of this declaration. (Please read the full definition here:
By ticking this box you confirm that: *

You are authorised on behalf of your business to make this application

All the information contained within this document is true to the best of your knowledge

You agree to complete a State Aid declaration form

You agree to complete evaluation surveys during and after the programme, and to provide evidence of jobs created, and products and services developed

You confirm that you wish to receive assistance through the CAMERA Motion Capture and Innovation Studio and you understand that this support is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

You accept the terms and conditions (Please review below)

If you are a university student, you confirm that you are permitted to have your own registered business in the UK and you are not restricted by any Home Office visa laws

Submit an application

Your application will be checked to verify whether you meet the ERDF eligibility criteria.

We will contact you if we have any queries and to let you know the outcome.

If you participate in the programme you will be required to complete evaluation and impact surveys during and after the programme, and you will be required to provide evidence of jobs created, and products and services developed (if applicable) as a result of completing the programme.