Dr Neill Campbell is collaborating with Dr Richard Bowman (Department of Physics) as well as researchers from the University of Cambridge, Ifakara Health Institute and project partners TechforTrade, the Wellcome Sanger Institute and WaterScope on two EPSRC funded malaria research projects. The best way to diagnose malaria remains microscopic examination...
Read how our researchers have been working with British Skeleton and UK Sport to improve the skeleton start “There’s more to skeleton than meets the ice” Their recently published research can be found in the Journal of Sport Sciences. Photo: Dr Aki Salo
Dr Ashraf Gorgey, Chief of Spinal Cord Injury Research at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, will be visiting the Department for Health on Thursday 20th July. As part of the Department Seminar series, Dr Gorgey will be presenting: Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Metabolic Changes after...
Dr Jacqueline Alderson will be visiting the Department for Health from the University of Western Australia on Thursday 22nd June 2017. As part of the Department Seminar series, Jacqueline will be presenting: ‘From high speed film and optical light tracings to wearable technologies, computer vision and big data analytics: the...
With many thanks to Steffi Colyer for this insight into her work in the field of Human Performance Enhancement as part of the CAMERA team. At the pinnacle of sport, success and failure can often be decided by the finest of margins. Consequently, the philosophy of “marginal gains” has evolved...
In this post, Dr Elena Seminati gives a overview of her work as part of the CAMERA team. In my research work I’ve been looking how to best adopt new advanced technologies and techniques to aid the recovery and rehabilitation of people with physical impairments. In particular, I’ve focused on...
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