Farewell to Yiguo Qiao

CAMERA Farewell to Yiguo Qiao

We are sad to have to say farewell to CAMERA Research Associate Yiguo (Joyce) Qiao this summer. We asked her to tell us a little about her time at CAMERA and her plans for the future.

Tell us a little about what you have been working on while at CAMERA.

“I’ve been working on two projects at CAMERA, RA Flare Up Profiler and Motion capture (Mocap). RA Flare Up Profiler was a collaboration between us (CAMERA), the health-tech company Living With and the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust (RUH). The project aimed to develop an App ‘LivingWith RA’, which would allow rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients to capture their own key disease activity data, and further support clinicians to be able to classify and optimize care pathways. The Mocap project is in collaboration with Dr. Rachel McDonnell, and aims to solve the problem of motion retargeting between homeomorphic characters with a big different in size, and the problem of motion retargeting between heteromorphic characters. Also, I did some work on depth map super-resolution, in the field of stereo vision.”

What have been your favourite moments?

“I still remember the snow when I first came to Bath, the school was closed. I remember the Christmas before the pandemic, we played games in the studio, and went to dinner in the town centre. I also remember every time before a conference, the nervousness and excitement … so many good memories that it is hard for me to say goodbye.”

What are your plans for the future?

“I’m currently looking for a lecture position in China, hopefully there will be good news soon. My best wishes to everyone at CAMERA and PeringLab, hopefully there will be a chance to come back in the future.”

We want to wish Joyce every success for the future, Keep in touch!

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